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Chicory tap roots in a box in the field

10 August 2021

Researchers develop chicory plants without bitter compounds

Fruits of the the mgaloblishvili grape vine hanging from the plant

31 May 2021

University of Milan wins KeyGene DNA-Day contest

Aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) attached to a gold wire, to record epg (electro penetration graph)

27 May 2021

New, ‘broad’ type of resistance against insects found in plants

Small tube (eb) with visible DNA

21 April 2021

DNA-Day 2021: win a top-quality HMW DNA isolation from your plant tissue!

Screenshot of CropPedia, KeyGene's data visualisation and management package

14 April 2021

KeyGene’s CropPedia to support international effort to combat crop-threatening weeds, headed by Colorado State University 

Logo of the United States patent and trademark office, consisting of the acronym in a rectangle and the full name in smaller characters above it.

14 April 2021

New USPTO granted patent strengthens KeyGene’s global patent estate in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

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