Z Test showing (all) page builder elements
This is the title in the page builder element "Plant cells"
This is the subtitle in the page builder element "Plant Cells". Below this, the element "White space" is used, option 'large white space' (100 px)
This is the title in the page builder element "Page header"
This is the subtitle in the page builder element "Page header".
This is page builder element Heading, size and color of characters, left/center alignment can be chosen
This is the page builder element “Text area (50% wide)”. Left of this element, you see the page builder element “Image / Video (50% wide)”. Here’s some text, to show what it looks like.
KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation. We do this for and with our shareholders and other partners, for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and industrial field crops.
This is the page builder element “Textbox centered (for news items)”. Below is some text, to show what it looks like.
You can also include images in this element, by using the “Add media” option
KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation. We do this for and with our shareholders and other partners, for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and industrial field crops.
Below this element, the page builder element “News and events” is used. With this, you can add a maximum of five news items and or events to a page. Make sure to remove the event when the event has passed.
On the first row, a maximum of two news items /events are presented, on the second line, the maximum is three news items / events.
This is the page builder element "Featured Keygene's impacts". 3 relevant cases can be shown, tittle can be changed, choose to (not) include button 'More examples'
Telomere-to-telomere crop genomes using only one DNA sequencing platform
Collaboration between KeyGene scientists and the Telomere to Telomere consortium (studying the human genome) has resulted in telomere-to-telomere crop genomes of tomato and maize, using one sequencing technology.
Accelerated breeding of impatiens resistant to downy mildew
KeyGene supported Ball Horticultural in the USA to reveal, understand and utilize the genetic variation at hand within their germplasm, for accelerated breeding of impatiens varieties resistant to downy mildew.
Page builder element "Featured Licensing". Choose max 3 technologies, and choose to include button "All licensing technologies"
Page builder element 'Featured Innovations" (name will change in 'Featured technology innovation'
New possibilities for crop improvement that start from individual plant cells and/or tissues.
Cell and Tissue Technology
Page builder element 'Featured crop improvements' (name will change in 'Featured field of crop improvement'
Use data science and advanced DNA, RNA & trait technologies to better understand genetic and phenotypic variation as the basic source for crop improvement.
Reveal and understand genetic variation
Page builder element 'Featured news'
Page builder element 'Featured careers'
Our vacancies
Page builder element "Form with a background image".
Page builder element 'Big image'
Page builder element 'Full width image'
This is the page builder element “Text with optional small image” with an image in this case, “boxed”. You can also add images within this text, by using ‘Add media’
This element is used on many pages, as an introduction!
This is the page builder element “Text with optional small image” without (!) an image in this case, “Boxed”
You can also add images within this text, by using ‘Add media’
KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation. We do this for and with our shareholders and other partners, for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and industrial field crops.
This is the page builder element “Text with optional small image” with an image in this case, “Full width”. You can also add images within this text, by using ‘Add media’
KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation. We do this for and with our shareholders and other partners, for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and industrial field crops.
This is the page builder element “Text with optional small image” without an image in this case, “Full width”. You can also add images within this text, by using ‘Add media’
KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation. We do this for and with our shareholders and other partners, for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and industrial field crops.
Page builder element 'Centered image on page"
This is a Heading H1, 'Left'
This is a heading H2, 'Center'
This is a header H3 'Left'
Page builder element 'Tiles widget'
Tilers can be used for a list of partners
Or for a list of speakers during an event
Or a list of technologies
In rows of three, so this is the second row.
Page builder element 'All news items'
1 October 2019
Complete genome of devastating Asian soybean rust fungus assembled
20 August 2019
Alarm as devastating banana fungus reaches the Americas
31 July 2019
KeyGene’s ‘Panama disease’ expert coordinates diagnostics on suspected Colombian banana farms
23 July 2019
KeyGene & Mahindra Agri partner to drive innovation & yield enhancement in key crops
15 July 2019
KeyGene scientists first to discover ‘non-susceptible’ sweet pepper plants
8 July 2019
FoodValley Summit The Protein Plan(et), 17th October 2019, Wageningen
Page builder element 'All licensing items'
Pollen viability
Improve fertility and viability in interspecific hyrbids, using compounds that inhibit the MRN-ATM pathway.
Parthenogenesis promotor
Promoter sequences that convert a sexual allele into a parthenogenesis allele, which is capable of inducing parthenogenesis.
Coregeneration of recalcitrant plants
Regenerate recalcitrant plant cells into regenerative shoots by establishing contact to regenerative plant cells.
Msi2 gene for DH induction
Mutant Musashi RNA-binding protein 2 (Msi2) proteins, nucleic acid sequences, and plants for haploid inducer lines.
CENPC Gene for DH induction
Mutant Centromere Protein C proteins, nucleic acid sequences, and plants for haploid inducer lines.
AI assisted efficient plant selection
Plant selection based on genotypical and/or phenotypical data sets and deep learning.
Target enrichment through selective sequencing
A combination of TarSeq and subsequent selective sequencing, a highly effective method for target sequence enrichment.
Covalently closing DNA strands by TelN for NGS library preparation
TelN adapters / primers for NGS library preparation for amplification free enrichment of target sequences.
Improving drought resistance: pectinesterase
For plants with increased drought resistance by impairing the expression of functional pectinesterase.
Semi-solid state for nucleic acid handling
For methods and kits for HMW nucleic acid library preparation, effectively reducing shear stress.
Targeted Sequence Addition
Versatile method for the labelling of a target nucleic acid fragment for targeted sequence library preparation
Shoot regeneration by CHK genes
Method to increase shoot regeneration by overexpressing genes for histidine kinases
Dual guide for CRISPR editing of plant cells
Effective genome editing CRISPR system nuclease guided by non-covalently linked, crRNA and tracrRNA
Genes for hormone free regeneration
Transient expression of 2 genes circumvents the need for cytokinin and auxin
Germacrene A Synthase mutants
Decreased sesquiterpene lactones and increased levels of squalene & phenolic compounds
Mad7 for genome editing in plant cells
Highly effective Type V CRISPR system for plant cell genome editing
Genome editing for altered protein function
Editing of a coding sequence by two site-specific nucleases that causes a frameshift
Genome editing by programmed deaminases
Genome editing using cysteine or adenine deaminase fused to a site-specific nuclease e.g. a CAS
Glycerol-free transfection of CRISPR complex
Glycerol free genome editing of protoplasts using CRISPR-CAS protein and in vitro transcribed gRNA
Targeted translocation
Translocation between 2 homologous/homeologous chromosomes via double-strand break and rejoining
Oligonucleotide-delivery to protoplasts
Method to effectively deliver mutagenic nucleobases to plant protoplasts using polyethylene glycol
Improved seed germination
Seeds with improved germination quality, by pollination of graft hybrid mother plants.
2S1 Graft hybrid technology
Plants with improved epidermis-based complex traits, e.g. biotic stress resistance
Virtual reality greenhouse
3D visualization of individual plants and association with plant characteristic data
Improving Drought Resistance in Plants: UPL3
Plants with increased drought resistance by impairing the expression of functional UPL3
Improving drought resistance in plants: UPL4
Plants with increased drought resistance by impairing the expression of functional UPL4
Accurately amplifying mixtures of probes
Production of oligonucleotides, in particular targeting oligonucleotides or nucleic acid probes.
Genotyping, based upon locus & allele identifiers; a way to amplify and process DNA into probes
Directed genomic selection
Genomic selection using genome-wide complementarity, taking into account recombination probabilities
CropPedia data visualisation & management
Interactive genomics data management and visualization system
Combinatorial barcodes
At least two nucleotide sequence barcodes, for identifying sample origin in NGS.
KeyPoint® Breeding
Multiplex detection of variation of genes / loci of interest, based on high throughput sequencing.
Page builder element 'All impacts'
KeyGene's impact
Hybrid rice for farmers in India
Experts from KeyGene and Bioseed, DCM Shriram in India, developed rice lines that can be used to breed hybrid varieties that meet the demands of Indian rice farmers.
Genetics unraveled crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds through apomixis
Thanks to over 15 years of fundamental research at KeyGene, breakthroughs were achieved in understanding and using genes crucial to develop crop plants that produce 'clonal' seeds through apomixis.
Genome editing successfully used to induce chicory plants to accumulate important medical compound
KeyGene, Wageningen University & Research, and Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry in Germany, have induced desired variation in chicory for plants that accumulate costunolide, an anti cancer plant metabolite.
Telomere-to-telomere crop genomes using only one DNA sequencing platform
Collaboration between KeyGene scientists and the Telomere to Telomere consortium (studying the human genome) has resulted in telomere-to-telomere crop genomes of tomato and maize, using one sequencing technology.
KeyGene’s breeding optimizer integrated in PhenomeOne software package for breeders
Based upon KeyGene’s breeding optimizing algorithm, Phenome Networks offers a new decision support tool to optimize breeding strategies for any crop, within their PhenomeOne software.
Accelerated breeding of impatiens resistant to downy mildew
KeyGene supported Ball Horticultural in the USA to reveal, understand and utilize the genetic variation at hand within their germplasm, for accelerated breeding of impatiens varieties resistant to downy mildew.
CTA block CTA partner with us
Would you like to explore the possibilities and benefits of partnering with us?
Our experts are ready to help you!
Fill in the contact formCTA block This technology
Excited about this technology?
Contact usPage builder element 'Locations'
Our locations
This is how and where you can find and meet KeyGene's team
Wageningen, NL
KeyGene HQ
Agro Business Park 90
6708 PW Wageningen
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 216
6700 AE, Wageningen
The Netherlands
Hyderabad, IN
The Executive Centre (TEC), Level 1, Building-Orwell 2 Salarpuria
Sattva Knowledge City, Plot No.2, Inorbit Mall Road
Telangana, India, Hitech City, Hyderabad 500 081
Example title in small block with button CTA
Example text in button in small block with button CTAExample title in medium block with optional image CTA
Example subtitle in medium block with optional image CTA
Example button textExample title of upcoming event CTA
Example subtitle of upcoming event CTA
Here's room for a lot of text.
Go to CropIB websiteThis is an example of a quote